Friday, March 27, 2009

Change of address

I promise I am working on our "change of address" cards to mail out to everyone. I was just waiting to take a new family picture of us all. They'll be in the mail soon!

So rad

My cousin Alison sent me the sweetest present EVER today...An autographed copy of Perez Hilton's book!! (Yes, his website is my favorite, I visit it quite frequently, and it probably is my guiltiest pleasure!) Anyways, I knew she got to meet him and I was sooo jealous of her, and to calm me down she got me his book! I love her for it, I love Perez for signing it, and I love Andy for taking the kids for awhile so I could sit down and read it. Yeah for celebrity gossip!

On another "family being rad" note, my dad called me from Paris yesterday. Tomorrow he gets to take the train into England to go to Wembley Stadium to watch the England National football (soccer) team play. For all of you non-soccer people that means he gets to watch Becks (David Beckham) actually play soccer in England. Now that is really rad.

Indoor activities

Since we arrived in Minneapolis I have been searching high and low for things to do with the boys. Especially things we can do in not so favorable weather conditions. I found this place called Adventure Park. So cool. It's an indoor playground (for mom's in Phoenix, it's like Makutu's on steroids) plus an open gym area to ride bikes, plus an exercise area, a track, and a swimming pool. The boys liked it. You can go daily or buy a year pass. (The pass may be purchased shortly!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nickelodeon Adventure

Get ready for some pictures! (Sorry, there's a lot) The boys spent over five hours riding rides at Mall of America on Sunday. Obviously they had a blast.

Get ready to roar like a lion...

Tons of fun! On a side note: my mom is gone. Boo! It's supposed to snow tomorrow, Saturday, and next week. Double boo!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've got a party in my tummy

If you have kids, you will totally know what this is about-YO GABBA GABBA!

With all the different social networking sites (thank you myspace, facebook, etc.)it's easy to keep up with all your friends across the country. One of my oldest friends posted a bunch of pictures of her sweet little girls 2nd birthday party. She had made the cakes and decorations herself, and the party was a Yo Gabba Gabba theme! All the cupcakes were of a different character and they were displayed on a cupcake "tower". So cute! I loved the pictures and I showed the boys-they loved it even more! Coop kept whining saying he wanted one, I ended up showing Nana the pictures, and voila-we made Gabba cupcakes too! (After we were done, my mom did say the originals looked better, but whatever. And no, it was noone's birthday or special occasion) Thanks for the great idea Val, you did such a good job and gave us a bunch of inspiration and fun for a day :) All copyright royalties should go to you...

can you find which ones the boys did by themselves??!

Introduction to Mall of America/Nickelodeon Adventure

So, we took the boys to Mall of America for the first time the other day. (We got the carpets cleaned in the house and we had to kill a few hours) We told them they could SEE Nickelodeon Adventure, but we were not doing any adventure-ing that day!! They understood, we're planning on going back on Sunday to ride all the rides because it will be Nana's (my mom's) last day. When the boys looked out the elevator window and saw an amusement park INSIDE the mall, they were speechless! They can't wait...

They boys first look at the park... notice Charlie's hands clasped over his mouth in disbelief

P.s we're all doing fine here! But we already miss everyone

Thursday, March 12, 2009


We're here, in Minnesota. Andy and the dog got in Monday night, the movers came Tuesday, and the boys, my mom, and myself arrived last night. Let the unpacking begin! Details and pictures to come soon-when we thaw out!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Half way there

Andy and his co-pilot (Duncan) left Phoenix yesterday morning. They made it just north of Denver last night and are set to arrive in Minneapolis tonight at 7. So far so good. Andy did report today though that Nebraska is not on his list of places to live or visit...


Jen and Jason are married!
The wedding on Saturday was very nice. The weather was lovely, the bride looked lovely, and the party was lovely!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let the games begin

The move has started. The movers came today and got the ENTIRE house packed up. The kids and I left with the dog half way through the day to go to my moms, and Andy stayed back to help and supervise. He did say it was pretty sad seeing the house all packed up. Tomorrow they load, and the truck takes off on Friday morning. Fast, fast, fast.
All this junk is coming on that big 'ol truck...

Mr. Ice Cream Man

The boys had their first experience with the Ice Cream Man on Friday. (Yes, Ice Cream Man in February...I don't think we'll be seeing that in Minnesota) They thought it was super cool, and got ice cream with bubble gum on it!

Wild bachelorette party

This Saturday my dear friend and neighbor is getting married! We had a wild night out on the town for her bachelorette party. I used to pull these kind of nights ALL THE TIME (pre-kids) but now I just can't hang like the young kids! We had a ton of fun, and I can't wait for the big day.