Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jonas/Camp Rock Mania

Oh, if I have to watch the Jonas Brothers on Camp Rock one more time I AM GOING TO SCREAM! The boys are completely obsessed. They now say things like "come on, lets go rock out" or "lets rock this thing out" Charlie said the other day he wanted to be just like Nick Jonas. He said he wants his hair (!) and his clothes. In case you aren't a HUGE fan, this is Nick:

I guess it's not a terrible choice in an "idol"...

New year, New school

Charlie started his new school year, finally! He goes to LittleU Preschool, Monday thru Thursday, 12-3:45. It has been a big adjustment for him (being gone and no nap) but it sure has been worth it already. He seems to really like going and he's constantly learning new things. Always writing and trying to spell-what a little smartie pants!!

Water Fun

With summer coming to an end (HAHAHAHA!!) we took the boys out to Andy's parents house. They are fortunate enough to have a small waterpark inside their neighborhood. We cheated and broke all the rules and let Charlie go down the "big slide". He loved it. So did his Grandpa!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pole Vault

In case you were wondering, the women's pole vault has finished. April took 8th place! She finished out with a final jump at 4.55 meters (or 14'11) We look forward to seeing her again in London! Congrats to her!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

2008 Olympics

Charlie sat down and watched some Olympics with us last night. We ended up talking about this guy:

Yup. I ended up explaining the President (Charlie continues to call him George Lubballa), the White House, and all that good stuff. I asked him if one day he wanted all the people to vote for him to be President, he immediately said "NO."

The Olympics are always an exciting time in our house. During all of Andy's training for his track and field he has been able to meet many talented athletes. Many of whom have made it to the Olympics. He has had the pleasure of training with gold medalist Nick Hysong, Olympian Mel Mueller, and most recently April Steiner-Bennett. April will be competing in Women's Pole Vault this summer. This is super cool considering Andy went to college with her and spent many many hours jumping with her. Our family will be rooting her on, and hope you all will too!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Grandma choo-choo

Sadly, this past Wednesday, we lost Andy's grandma to cancer. She was by far one of the strongest, and most courageous women I have ever met. She will be greatly missed.

T-ball finale

Charlie finished out his first t-ball season. Of course he loved every moment of it, and I'm sure he'll want to play again. Next up on the agenda is flag football!

He was thrilled and amazed when his coach presented him with his first ever trophy!
Oh, and here is a picture of crazy with his baby. He just really wanted to have his picture taken.

A new place to swim and a new haircut

This past week Andy was away on business in Florida. (I HATE when Andy is gone on business for an ENTIRE week!!) But we managed to get by. The boys and I stayed the first couple of days out at my parents. A new public pool opened up near them with slides and plenty of fun things for toddlers to do. We had such a nice time.

While we were staying at my parents, Charlie decided he was ready for his back to school haircut. Well, not exactly, but close...He decided to experiment with a pair of clippers of mine that I had sitting out in the bathroom. He picked them right up, turned them on, stuck the darn thing on his scalp and shaved a nice patch of hair right off!! Maybe he was just trying to be like his mama...