Saturday, June 27, 2009


The Bentley house is on lockdown. Positive tests confirm strep throat. Yuck.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fort Wayne Trip

Here are some pictures of the trip to Indiana.

Some interesting facts:
1.My mom left last week. But, don't worry, she'll be back in MN July 2nd.
2.The drive to Indiana took over 10 hours. We broke it up into two days going there and coming home, which made life easier (?)
3.The kids and I will be in Phoenix July 31-August 23
4.Charlie started a new tball season here.
5.Duncan had his first tick. We ripped it off with a tweezers. Gross.
6.Andy has been traveling 50% or more of the month-BOOOOO!
7.The weather here has been wonderful. 80's and sunny most of the time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Come and gone

Poppy has already come and gone! My dad came in for a quick weekend stay to help celebrate my mom's birthday on the 29th. It was so nice to be able to spend time with him and for the boys to be with my parents again. On my mom's birthday we all went to see the new movie UP! and it was just as good as all the reviews.

Side note: My camera's USB cord is currently missing. I have more pictures to post, but can't. Hopefully it turns up soon. My mom and I are leaving Thursday with the kids for Indiana. Stay tuned....