Oh, if I have to watch the Jonas Brothers on Camp Rock one more time I AM GOING TO SCREAM! The boys are completely obsessed. They now say things like "come on, lets go rock out" or "lets rock this thing out" Charlie said the other day he wanted to be just like Nick Jonas. He said he wants his hair (!) and his clothes. In case you aren't a HUGE fan, this is Nick:

I guess it's not a terrible choice in an "idol"...
Ha, Camp Rock! I saw it earlier this summer. I don't know if I could watch it more than once though. Hang in there:)
it might be time to introduce charlie to the goonies. that is infinitely more watchable than camp rock.
I have 4 teenage cousins that live a few houses away. They are over here a lot at made me SOO sick of High School Musical...Thankfully Camp Rock hasn't reached that insanely annoying level yet!
Best of luck to unhooking them from the mania ;)
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