Thursday, March 11, 2010

I made it!!

Who checked their calendars? Who is keeping track of time?! I am! The boys and I came to Minnesota exactly one year ago today. What an adventure it has been. We called this all an "adventure" for the boys sake, and boy has it lived up to the name! At times it has been not so fun, but we are all happy and healthy and really can't complain. There have been many things we've enjoyed learning and experiencing, and others...not so much! We have been so blessed to have a group of people really rally around us and give us a tremendous amount of support while we made this transition, and we thank them greatly! And while I used to experience this on a daily basis:

I'm happy I can now witness this everyday!


Kat M said...

Congrats!! That is wonderful you are enjoying your adventure.

Anonymous said...

Coppe is too cute for words!