That's what this is. A post filled with random pictures of the last month. We are now in the dreaded dead of winter. It's quite wretched. As you can see by the thermometer in the house, we've had some cold days:
That's right. The number on top was a balmy -16 outside. But if you look close you see a -25. See it? I felt it. Early in the morning that day. And let me tell you, I will take 120 degrees any day over that!
These pictures came from the batch of Christmas card pictures. Duncan didn't make the official card, so I thought I would put him on this one!
Christmas Eve. Christmas this year was a BLAST! Andy and I enjoyed every second of over-indulging our kids this year. We were all in great spirits and had the best time.
This was before the madness began. We (Santa) had to rearrange our furniture to accommodate all of the gifts. It was a lot, but our kids deserved it all this year. Their favorite gift to date is the Wii. (I think it's Andy's favorite too....)
Nana and Papa showed up on Christmas day! What a perfect ending to a perfect day. Who doesn't love having their Papa come upstairs with a giant Santa bag filled with gifts?!
Love birds sledding. That's right, we all went sledding one day. And yes, that is blood on my dad's nose. Sledding can be dangerous ;)
And finally, here's my Mr. Proper. He's doing very well in school. Working very hard on his reading and writing. He still enjoys riding the bus, and being extremely social in his class. He has been ice skating quite a few times and says he wants to keep playing ice hockey.
And lets not forget about Mr. Cool. Cooper, unlike his brother, claims he doesn't like school, and told us to take his ice skates back to the store because he doesn't like it! As most of you have already heard, he told us when he gets older he wants to "be awesome, and go on dates." He's more than ready to get into some warm weather, play outside, and make some new girlfriends. He is going to start speech therapy again, which we are super excited about.
Happy New Year to everyone out in bloggy land. 2009 was very good to our family, and we're hoping 2010 creates more opportunities for us and lots of happiness. Oh, and I am
really hoping for an early Spring. I'm cold. Really, really cold. Can't ya tell?