Sunday, May 24, 2009


We have so many cool hiking and biking trails around here! We took the boys and Nana yesterday for a hike close to home. (One time Andy and the boys were riding bikes on this particular trail and they saw two deer jump out in front of them, so we were "deer watching")


When we left Wisconsin my mom jumped in the car with us and drove back to Minnesota! Aren't we lucky?! Since she's been here we have done all kinds of things, but tackling the yard has been the biggest priority. We have ripped out so many trees and bushes and planted so many new ones. It's actually starting to look good!

New flowers planted in the flower boxes outside the bedroom windows.


About a month or so ago Charlie asked me if he "was ever going to be able to swim again" (Yes, it was in regards to him complaining about the change in weather he has experienced since moving) Well, fret no more Charie! Your wishes came true!! Last week Minneapolis hit 97 degrees two days in a row, IN MAY! The boys were tickled pink and felt so "at home".

The dog seems to have been missing swimming as well, he jumped in as fast as he could.

Racine, Wisconsin

Last week we drove the six hours to my hometown of Racine, Wisconsin. My parents were flying in for a wedding, and we thought it would be a good excuse for a vacation, to see family, and to show the boys where I grew up. We chose a hotel that had a pool so the boys could get some much needed swim time in.

This is in the bakery that we visited quite frequently when I was a little girl. My mom worked there as a teenager and once dated the man who owns it. Charlie is standing in front of a picture of my great-grandpa who was a baker at a different bakery.


The Racine Zoo is located right on Lake Michigan. It really is very pretty. It was a little chilly and very windy, but a trip to any zoo is always fun.

The boys got to feed two giraffes, so cool.

This was another childhood "hangout". Nelson's Dimestore. 'nough said.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two years in a row!

These boys sure do know the way to my heart...with cupcakes! Cupcakes always make everything better, they are one of my favorite things. Last year for Mama's day I got a big box of Sprinkles cupcakes (those really are my favorite) and these year was no different. I found a great little bakery in St.Paul (about 15 minutes away) called cup-cake. ( So cute! My excitement must have been very noticeable because Andy went and got a box of cupcakes from there! And don't worry, I have shared...


Friday, May 1, 2009

It's coming!

Spring, that is! The tulips are all starting to bloom around here and it is B-E-AUTIFUL! I love 'em. We don't have any in our yard though. Every time I see one I want to go rip it out of the ground and keep it for myself!

On a side note, both boys are sick. Boo. Hopefully by Monday we can start the week off fresh. It is going to be a lazy weekend watching Spongebob and i-Carly dvd's...