Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day today by going and seeing this movie. It was good, and it actually got the boys asking a lot of questions. (Charlie does keep saying though "why do sharks have to eat seals?") It was graphic, but they did a good job at making it suitable for children. We saw the full trailer for the movie where the wild things are, and I am sooooo excited for that one!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birthdays galore

April is always such a BUSY month for us. On the 13th we celebrated Andy's birhtday (ooh, he's that much closer to 30!) We got him an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen-his favorite.
Next, on the 17th, we celebrated Charlie's FIFTH birthday! He had presents, cake, and a trip to the Metrodome to watch the Twins play the Angels.

The grand finale present: a new bike! Thanks again Papo Dan and Papo Leslie

Charlie's cake. Yes, I made it! This is not store bought and it is not a Nana original! My mother has taught me well, or at least I hope so. Eat your heart out Nana!

At the baseball game

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We're going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you?

Happy Easter!
We spent the day at the Minneapolis Zoo today. It was nice. It's a lot different from the Phoenix zoo...moose and grizzly bears are something the boys had never seen before. (Charlie kept asking for the camels) It was a nice day here, about 60 degrees out-cross your fingers that it stays that way or gets better!

Side note: of course those are my kids wearing "masters" hats on Easter Sunday. It was the final day of the tournament, they HAD to represent!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Goodbyes are never easy

Finally! Here are some pictures of our last days in Phoenix with all of our friends and family.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter blizzard

No, it wasn't a blizzard. And no, it's not Easter...yet! But it's pretty close. This is what we did around here this weekend.
Our backyard "view" off the patio
Doesn't he look so sad? Pathetic!

Charlie really did roll that massive ball by himself! Seriously. I have no idea how he did it, but he did.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I just heard this

Charlie: Mom! Why did we have to move to Minnesota? It is always so cold here, and we can't do nothin.

Yes, Charlie is already noticing the difference between here and the desert. It's been in the low 40's and he's only been here three weeks. Boy oh boy, next winter should be very interesting!