Monday, June 23, 2008

Tball time

Saturday night was Charlie's first ever Tball game! He plays for the Maricopa Parks and Rec, and his team is the Angels. He had fun, got two hits, and socialized quite a bit when he was "out in the field". Practices are every Thursday and games are every Saturday evening. His age group is 4-6 years so he is the youngest and smallest on his team. (First time ever one of my boys has been the smallest in anything!) Oh, and his number is 3.

Cooper got bored and thought it was more fun to make funny faces and run around. Guess he didn't feel the need to watch his brother play ball.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

T-Ball, I can't believe your kids are old enough to be in organized sports. Do you feel like a soccer mom yet? Can't blame Cooper for getting a little antsy, at least he found ways to entertain himself, right?