Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's oh so quiet

And he's off!
Cooper is at his first day of preschool. He was excited and promised to behave. As Charlie and I dropped him off he went from table to table playing with all the different toys. We had to force him to even acknowledge us to say goodbye! The house is dreadfully quiet-something I said I wanted sooo bad. I'm such a liar! Lets hope today and every other Tuesday and Thursday goes well.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mission Accomplished

One down, one to go

Charlie successfully completed his first day of Kindergarten today! Good God,I didn't know if we (I) were going to get through it, but it was awesome! He's only going half day mornings, and he even gets to ride the bus home! He says he can't remember anyones name, and he promises he didn't get in trouble AT ALL. (His teacher only had to tell him "shush" once :)) We are so happy for our big guy. I truly feel like I sent him into that building as a baby/child and he came out a man. Here's to hoping the next year goes as well as today did.
Goodbyes are never easy...
In his classroom

Coop stood outside waiting for the bus to pull up to give Charlie his first day of school presents! (Balloons and cupcakes. And he got a brand new watch in the morning before he left)

First day of school, along with his FIRST BUS RIDE!