Monday, November 17, 2008

Daily Charlie

Charlie just told me this on his way to school:

"Mom, when I am ten, I want to live in the forrest. But when I am thirteen, I wanna move to the snow. And when I'm grown up and get to be a daddy I have to live in Florida."

I guess I raised a traveler.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big League Dreams

It's been awhile. Oops.

This past weekend my cousin Marcy was in town from San Antonio. We visited this place. So cool! We went because my brother Trevor just got a new job there and and he wanted to show off his beautiful family...!! The kids had fun, they got baseballs, flags, popcorn, hot dogs- the usual "baseball stadium" stuff. The boys also loved visiting with Marcy. I don't think they quite realize she's related to them, because I think they would both choose to have her as their girlfriend! Nonetheless, she was a great sport and played endlessly with them.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat


Yes, this year Charlie dressed up like Buzz Lightyear and Cooper was Wall-e and a bee. (Two years in a row now my children have had "costume changes" during trick-or-treat) Nana did a great job on the costumes, like she always does, and the kids got so many "oh, that is an awesome costume kid" They got lots of candy, which we're trying to not blow through!

Pumpkin Patch

Since 1999, Andy and I have gone to schnepf farms. This year was no exception. The boys always have a blast and get to pick out their pumpkins. They rode rides, played on playgrounds, went in a huge corn maze, and ate some good kettle corn! Such a great tradition.