Friday, September 26, 2008

Painting Pumpkins

Friday morning we decided to get the house ready for fall. We got some pumpkins and painted them!

Charlie's pumpkin
Cooper's pumpkin
Mama's pumpkin

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apple Annie's

Last weekend we packed up the van (again) and drove three hours to Wilcox Arizona. We heard about Apple Annies' Orchard and thought it would be fun for the kids to go pick apples. It was still a little hot, and quite far, but everyone ended up having a good time. We even came home with fourteen pounds of apples!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy Day

Thursday was quite unusual for us. We were VERY busy. We woke up early and both boys were to be at the dentist by 6:45am. It was the first appointment for both. They both did surprisingly well. Both did x-rays, and both sat still while getting their teeth cleaned. (Those new "kid dentists" are amazing!!) Charlie ended up having a small cavity in a tooth. I was quite concerned and nervous as to how he would handle this. Long story short, he was led back to the "treatment room" with just the dentist, received nitrous, and had his cavity filled while Coop and I waited. When finished, the Dr. came up laughing saying he did great, and every time they tried to talk to him he just giggled and giggled!! (Stoner!) We left the dentist and Charlie yelled at the top of his lungs " I wanna go to the dentist EVERY day" (OMG, he totally IS a stoner! He loved that gas!) Later in the day he asked how long did he really have to wait until he got to go again. I'm thrilled he enjoyed what could've been a traumatic situation. We keep laughing about it with him. He even says getting the cavity filled was the best part of the dentist.

Charlie and Andy then had Dad's day at preschool. It went fine, they had donuts and sang songs.

Then, the boys had their 2nd appointment with the pulmonologist. We've switched their medications and found out that Charlie has large adenoids and tonsils. Not surprised by that one. And seeing as he did so well at the dentist, I would assume he would be JUST FINE going through a little surgery to take care of that issue!


The other morning Cooper must've been really thirsty. He went through a glass of milk, and then a glass of juice. He then started begging for a juice box. He asked at least 8 times, and always heard a "no more juice". Finally, after the last no, he got stiff and militant. He stomped and said something to me. (It's not uncommon to not be able to understand ANYTHING he says) I asked him again what he said, and this is what I got: A clenched fist, and my two year old saying "do you want a knuckle sandwich"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

Side note: I do take full responsibility for it. I am the culprit, he did learn it from me!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Andy and I took the kids AND Duncan to San Diego this past weekend! We had a great time and were able to make it to THREE different beaches. Everyone did very well, Charlie even told me this morning he's ready to go back. The car ride wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, our kids must be getting used to that trip!
Welcome to San Clemente Beach!

California Labor Day 2008

We spent Sunday at Dana Point. The main beach was insanely busy, so we camped out by all the campers. We had the perfect spot and it was a perfect beach day. The boys got to work digging.

Dana Point Harbor

California Labor Day 2008

On Monday, before we headed home, we drove down to our favorite beach: Encinitas Beach. We loaded up the kids, dog, and car and took off. We have always said Duncan would prefer to live in water, be we were still unsure of how he would do at the beach. He loved every second of it!! We stayed and played for a couple of hours before we (tried) to shower everyone off and drive home.

A tired Daddy after a long holiday weekend...
An exhausted mommy after a long holiday weekend...
NOT tired children after a fun-filled holiday weekend!
Thanks again Papo Dan for the accomodations-expect us back often!